Sauvignon blanc Budai 2017 by Nyakas

Sauvignon blanc  Budai 2017 by Nyakas

Sauvignon blanc Budai 2017 by Nyakas

The crisp scent is both floral and fruity recalling elder, green apple, citrus fruits and even grass. Lean restrained style packed with assertive herbaceous gooseberry fruit. Creamy sauces or flavoursome goat cheese are the ideal accompaniments.

22 items in stock

750ml 12.5% Stand: 7,1


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Sauvignon blanc Budai 2017 by Nyakas

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Sauvignon blanc Budai 2017 by Nyakas 2 -20%

Data sheet

  • Year - 2013
  • Alc/Vol - 12.5%
  • Quantity - 750ml
  • Standard Drinks - 7.1
  • Weight - 1.8 kg


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